Tim Kalberg

Real Estate Connection Webinar Series: Estate Planning, Business Valuation, & Debt Workouts
Aug. 20, 2020

Real Estate Connection Webinar Series: Local Tax Updates & IRS Guidance
Aug. 06, 2020
Join Beacon CPA real estate expert, Tim Kalberg, for an overview on recent local tax updates and IRS guidelines relevant to...

Finding the Opportunity in Opportunity Zones
Jan. 31, 2019
Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) passed in December 2017, Opportunity Zones (O-Zones) have been a commonly misunderstood...
Is Your Partnership/LLC IRS Audit Ready?
May. 31, 2016
While celebrating the passage of the Protecting American from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act at the end of 2015, which contained...
Your PATH to Tax Savings – A Gift from Congress
Dec. 22, 2015
Last Friday, December 18th, President Obama completed a holiday gift package for the American taxpaying public by signing into law...