Opportunity Zones
Opportunity knocks. We'll help you open the door.
Possible tax deferral, exclusion, and tax-free appreciation? It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
It’s not. Opportunity Zones are changing the real estate and start-up business landscape and offer compelling tax benefits.
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What are Opportunity Zones?
Opportunity Zones are census tracts in economically distressed communities that qualify for the Opportunity Zone program per the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
More than 8,700 Opportunity Zones have been designated across the U.S., Puerto Rico, and four additional U.S. territories.

We'll help you navigate the waters
The Opportunity Zone code section is incredibly complex and still evolving, so we’re staying on top of developments to keep you up-to-date.
We’ll continue to draw on our experience working with real estate developers and private equity funds to provide value-added insights as we guide you through the process.

Opportunity Zones 101
Let us break it down for you
Why were Opportunity Zones created?
The Investing in Opportunity Act was established to bring financial investments to distressed communities through housing development and new businesses.
How do you invest in an Opportunity Zone?
Investments in Opportunity Zones must be made through an investment vehicle certified as a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF). QOFs can be either closely held, or more akin to traditional private equity investment funds.
What are the tax benefits of investing in an Opportunity Zone?
Taxes on capital gains invested within 180 days into a QOF are deferred until the earlier of when the investment is sold or December 31, 2026.
- If an investment is held for 5 years before December 31, 2026, then 10% of the gain is excluded permanently.
- If the investment is held for 7 years, then 15% of the gain is excluded permanently.
- And if the investment is held for more than 10 years, appreciation on the initial investment can be tax free.
It’s important to note that this is a federal tax provision. States and localities may not all follow the federal rule.
Who can benefit from Opportunity Zones?
- Business owners looking to start or expand businesses inside an Opportunity Zone
- Developers with existing or potential projects inside Opportunity Zones
- Investment Funds looking to invest in real estate or start-up businesses located inside of Opportunity Zones
- Investors with unrealized or realized capital gains from sales of businesses, securities, or real estate
- Owners of buildings inside of Opportunity Zones
- Owners of land inside Opportunity Zones
Opportunity Zones
Our 1:6 ratio means more 1:1
Our ratio of executive team shareholders to staff is 1:6—unusually low for a full-service regional firm. It means you get the direct, involved attention of our top talent from day one through the issuance of final reports. They proactively offer you strategy, feedback, and ideas all along the way.

Don't Take Our Word For It
“The support and advice that we have received from Isaac and Tim has always been exceptional. We love the proactive approach they take towards helping us with our accounts. This is especially important to us as we are a new business in the US market.”
Veronica Blanco
Avante Group LLC
“Good knowledge on complex real estate and business affairs and excellent customer service/responsiveness. Also provide great educational/networking events that make it fun to keep up on taxes and the people in my industry. Nice work!”
Tim O'Brien
Urban Asset Advisors LLC
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