Let us translate challenges into opportunities

With Perkins, you can have it all: the personal attentiveness of a local firm, world-class capabilities, and the consistency of working with the same team, year after year. In fact, we’ve accompanied many of our clients on their path from local success to international expansion. You can always expect us to…

  • 01.

    Give you quick access to our senior team members for straightforward practical and technical advice

  • 02.

    Share knowledge of industry developments and international trends

  • 03.

    Share our accounting knowledge and best practices

  • 04.

    Ensure a seamless engagement when partnering with international firms

  • 05.

    Help you identify risks and opportunities

  • 06.

    Tap into the resources of BDO International as needed to support your international enterprise goals

How can we help?

Assurance Services

  • Assurance services for domestic companies with international operations and U.S. subsidiaries of international companies
  • Transitioning to IFRS from U.S. GAAP reporting

Tax Services

U.S. Inbound

  • International structuring
  • Cross-border financing
  • Transfer pricing issue identification and studies
  • U.S. income tax withholding
  • Repatriation strategies and branch profits tax

U.S. Outbound

  • International structuring
  • Outbound property transfer
  • Income sourcing and foreign tax credit planning
  • Transfer pricing issue identification and studies
  • Avoidance of anti-deferral regime (CFC/PFIC)
  • Repatriation strategies

Our 1:7 ratio means more 1:1

Our ratio of executive team shareholders to staff is unusually low for a full-service regional firm: 1:7 or lower, depending on the service or industry practice group. It means you get the direct, involved attention of our top talent from day one. They proactively offer you strategy, feedback, and ideas all along the way.

Don't Take Our Word For It

“Beacon CPA is a responsive and knowledgeable team that has kept us in compliance on the ever challenging global employment tax issues for years. They are a pleasure to work with and highly recommended to partner with on these sensitive complicated issues.”


“Working with Carol-Ann and team at Perkins has brought comfort to a very confusing process. She was always responsive to questions and provided clarification when needed.”

John Johnson
Navex Global

Meet our traveling companions

Expatriate Tax Practice Group

For seamless employee transfers, we handle the full range of expatriate tax compliance, program administration, payroll consulting for expatriate compensation, and tax and policy consulting. Learn more.

IFRS Practice Group

Need to comply with multiple reporting methods for different territories? Transitioning to IFRS from U.S. GAAP reporting? Our IFRS practice group has the longstanding executive-level experience to smooth your way in this vast and complex territory. Learn more.

BDO: Global allies, local access

We routinely work with BDO’s U.S. international tax advisory group to supplement our substantial in-house expertise, especially for complex transactions and specialized projects.

Since we can tap into BDO International’s network of resources comprising 1,000+ offices in more than 120 countries worldwide, you can expect speedy responses and savvy localized services from us everywhere you do business.

Learn more

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