What the IRS Watches for When Your Payments Go Across the Border
In this fast-paced era dominated by ever-evolving technology, even a small business can find itself engaged in transactions with vendors...

Post-DOMA, Clarity for Oregon’s RDPs?
Yesterday was an interesting day for tax practitioners and estate planners who work with same-sex couples! As much as we...

Managing the Impact of 2012 ATRA Tax Rate Increases
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was signed into law on January 2, 2013. While it included a lot...
Minimizing “Net Investment Income”
The Affordable Care Act established a new 3.8% surtax on “net investment income” that first applies in 2013. This tax...
Perkins & Co Wins BDO Fitness Challenge
Challenge Accepted. Challenge Dominated! Our employees deserve a high five AND a massive round of applause for winning BDO’s 2013...
Perkins & Co adds 18th shareholder, expands Dealer Services Niche
April 1, 2013 Portland, Ore. – Kathy Murphy, former owner of Top Murphy & Co., LLP, joins Beacon CPA,...

Arts Tax Deadline Extended to May 15th
Good news Portlanders, the Arts Education and Access Tax (“Arts Tax”) filing deadline moved from April 15th to May 15th. ...
Who Parachuted Over the Fiscal Cliff?
While in December we wrung our hands and played out Fiscal Cliff scenarios, to most taxpayers January’s compromise may have...

Online Filing Available for Portland Arts & Education Access Tax
The City of Portland Revenue Bureau is now accepting payments for the Arts Education and Access Income Tax (“Arts Tax”)...
Fiscal Cliff Averted: How ATRA Affects You
We love to present—even during busy season! Shareholder, Brigitte C. Sutherland, gives a lunch and learn presentation today to Commerical Real...

American Taxpayer Relief Act – Estate and Gift Tax Provisions
As has been widely reported, we averted the “fiscal cliff” doomsday scenario by our fingernails when the Senate passed the...
Did “Sleep-Deprived Octogenarians” drop the New Year’s Ball on You?
Maybe. Maybe not. Happy New Year… from Beacon CPA and from the US Congress. The House and Senate have...

Perkins & Co Named Most-Admired Accounting Firm for 2012
DRUM ROLL PLEASE…we are very excited to share with you that for the third consecutive year, Beacon CPA is...

IRS Releases New Information About Medicare Tax Surcharges
Starting January 1, 2013, two new tax “surcharges” will apply to income earned by individuals making more than $200,000 per...
Perkins & Co Named a Top 10 Most-Admired Company for 2012
We are thrilled to announce, that for the fourth consecutive year, Beacon CPA made the Top 10 Most-Admired Company...
OSCPA Magazine features Gary Reynolds
“Professionally, I am passionate about serving our clients as their most trusted business advisor, providing a great place for our...
Gary Reynolds Named to AICPA Board of Directors
Portland, Ore. – Gary Reynolds, shareholder and president at Beacon CPA, has been named to the Board of Directors...
Association for Accounting Marketing features Marcella Vail
“When you are getting too comfortable, it might be time to reevaluate the brand and look at the potential of...
Portland Business Journal features Susan Sterne & Chris Loughran
Ask a business owner what is keeping them up at night and most certainly they will answer, “tax rate uncertainty.” Read...

IRS Announces 2013 Inflation Increases to Certain Key Indexes
On Thursday, October 18, the IRS and the Social Security Administration released various inflation adjustments to key limits and exclusions....
Accounting for Startups, Meet the Startup features David Uslan
Meet the Startup asks David Uslan, lead of our High Tech and Emerging Growth Practice Group to share perspective on...

Perkins Earns High Net Promoter Score, to the likes of Apple &
“Very professional, knowledgeable, and great customer service. Great people, and a great reputation that has been well-earned.” – Ryan Buchanan,...
Perkins Ranks as the Most Admired 2010
Portland, Ore. – Beacon CPA, Portland’s largest locally owned accounting firm, ranked second on Oregon’s Most Admired Professional Services...
WSU Alum, Paris Powell Receives Outstanding Service Award
Seattle – November 3, 2011 – Washington State University (WSU) Vancouver alumnae Paris E. Powell of Ridgefield, Wash., was presented...