
Tips from the Trenches: Wrangling Formulas
Welcome back to Tips from the Trenches! For our fourth series installment, we’re going to talk about tips to help...
Is Your Partnership/LLC IRS Audit Ready?
While celebrating the passage of the Protecting American from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act at the end of 2015, which contained...
Be like Goldilocks: Find the firm that’s right for you
In my last post, I encouraged accounting students to request informational interviews and office tours during the summer as a...
Tips from the Trenches, Part 3: 18 Essential Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Welcome back to Tips from the Trenches! This is the third installment of our Excel tips series, and in this...
Now’s the Time! Job Search 101 for Entry-level Public Accounting
With the sun finally starting to grace us with its presence, cherry blossoms and tulips abound, and the end of...

Tips from the Trenches, Part 2: Sum Faster, Sum Better
Welcome back to our second installment of “Tips from the Trenches”. This particular series comes to you from two Perkins...
Evolution of Client Accounting Services
Over the last several years, the speed of business, the connectivity, and the complexity of how businesses have been run...
Tips from the Trenches, Part 1: See Excel in New Ways
Welcome to Tips from the Trenches! This is the first of our ongoing Excel tips series. We’re Victoria and Kat,...

The Importance of Getting Clear on Your Company’s Communication Values
Communication is king. With your significant other, children, co-workers, boss or clients, it’s the link that helps people understand what...
Your PATH to Tax Savings – A Gift from Congress
Last Friday, December 18th, President Obama completed a holiday gift package for the American taxpaying public by signing into law...
What’s in a Kicker?
Oregon is putting a portion of your 2014 Oregon taxes back into your pocket. As mandated by the Oregon Constitution,...
10 Tips on How to Deduct Losses from a Natural Disaster
We are all painfully aware of the wildfires that have ravaged the forests of the Pacific Northwest in the last...
The Perkins Field Guide to Tax Reform
Where’s the comprehensive tax reform we’ve been hearing about for the past few years? 2010’s Simpson-Bowles plan, although it had...
Do I Need an Identity Protection PIN to File My Return?
Many taxpayers, who had difficulty filing their 2013 federal tax returns due to identity theft or potential fraud, as well...

Deducting a Home Office: Simpler May Be Better
For those of us who go to a downtown office every weekday, the benefits of working from home glow brightly:...
U.S. Estate Tax for Non-US Decedents
“What on earth is an estate tax?” As there are many foreign countries that do not have estate/inheritance taxes, this...

Net Investment Income Tax for 1040 Filers: First Year Thoughts
Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, there have been plenty of articles discussing one of its new...
Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?
Day in and day out you’re bombarded with endless variations of that same question. Invariably, this question leads to the...
Could You be an Oregon Resident and Not Even Know It?
We recently posted about the federal tax consequences of owning a vacation home. This post explores a possible Oregon tax...
Vacation: It’s Time to Get Away!
Whether you love the beach, mountains or desert, Oregon offers plenty of scenery for us to enjoy. Places to hike,...
The Benefits of Tax Planning
Expert advice bombards the casual observer on a daily basis with ways to tax plan and achieve the greatest benefit...
What’s FATCA Got to Do with Me?
To any individual who has a foreign bank account and to any person with tax reporting responsibilities for a multinational...
Clippers Buyer Will Pay More Than Sterling…More Like a Pile of Gold
Current Clippers owner Donald Sterling paid a mere $12 million for the team over 30 years ago. The price that...
Keeping Your Financial and Tax Information Secure
As we reported in early April, the IRS has seen increasing numbers of fraudulently-filed individual tax returns in recent years....